BlinkEReceipt Integration Instructions

This is a framework which extends the BlinkReceipt SDK to enable e-receipt parsing functionality


Installation instructions can be found on GitHub:


  • In order to use Account Linking functionality add the following header:
#import <BlinkEReceipt/BRAccountLinkingManager.h>

or if you are using Carthage or standalone installation:

#import <BlinkEReceiptStatic/BRAccountLinkingManager.h>
  • It is recommended to instantiate the BRAaccountLinkingManager as early as possible to give it time to download the most recent parsing code. Add the following line to your application delegate’s didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:
[BRAccountLinkingManager shared];
  • In order to use email receipt parsing functionality add the following header:
#import <BlinkEReceipt/BREReceiptManager.h>

or if you are using Carthage or standalone installation:

#import <BlinkEReceiptStatic/BREReceiptManager.h>

Documentation for BlinkReceipt SDK

Some of the symbols referenced in these docs (such as BRScanResults and BRProduct) are fully documented in the main BlinkReceipt SDK documentation

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