BlinkReceipt Integration Instructions


Installation instructions can be found on GitHub:


  • Add the following to the top of your AppDelegate.m:
#import <BlinkReceipt/BlinkReceipt.h>

or if you are using Carthage or standalone installation:

#import <BlinkReceiptStatic/BlinkReceiptStatic.h>
  • Add the following to the applicationDidFinishLaunching: method:
[BRScanManager sharedManager].licenseKey = @"YOUR-LICENSE-KEY";
  • The simplest way to test the SDK is by launching our prepackaged scanning experience

Prepackaged Scanning Experience

This scanning mode simulates the user snapping a series of still photos although in fact live video frames are actually being scanned in the background. To test this:

  • Add the following code to the top of your view controller
#import <BlinkReceipt/BlinkReceipt.h>

or if you are using Carthage or standalone installation:

#import <BlinkReceiptStatic/BlinkReceiptStatic.h>
  • Add the following code to an IBAction handler in your view controller:
- (IBAction)btnTouched:(id)sender {
  BRScanOptions *scanOptions = [BRScanOptions new];

  [[BRScanManager sharedManager] startStaticCameraFromController:self
@interface MyViewController () <BRScanResultsDelegate>
  • Implement the delegate callback to handle scan results:
- (void)didFinishScanning:(UIViewController *)cameraViewController withScanResults:(BRScanResults *)scanResults {
    [cameraViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

    //Use scan results

Custom Camera Controller UI

You can also build out your own UI that sits on top of our basic camera controller. Check out our Custom Camera Controller guide for further details.