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How to use

Before you can start scanning PDFs, you have to create an instance of the PdfClient.

client = PdfClient(applicationContext).also {
    val options: ScanOptions = ScanOptions.newBuilder().build()

    it.countryCode = options.countryCode()

    it.filterSensitiveData = options.filterSensitiveData()

    it.returnSubProducts = options.returnSubProducts()

    it.returnVoidedProducts = options.returnVoidedProducts()



If you don’t add a lifecycle observer, you will be responsible for releasing the PdfClient resources.

Recognize PDF

You can identify a PDF document by providing it as a Uri, File, or ParcelFileDescriptor input. The process of recognizing text within the PDF is performed asynchronously, and the results are delivered through the Google Task framework.

When recognizing text in a PDF document, you might use ParcelFileDescriptor to efficiently open and read the PDF file, feeding it to the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine asynchronously. The Google Task framework is well-suited for handling such asynchronous tasks and delivering results when the OCR process is complete.

client.recognize(uri).addOnSuccessListener(this) {
    //Handle Results
}.addOnFailureListener {
    //Handle failure