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Getting Started

The Recognizer SDK enables you to easily scan digital and physical receipts.


  1. Add the following maven repository to your build.gradle or settings.gradle, depending on your implementation:
 repositories {
   maven { url = uri("") }
 repositories {
   maven { url "" }
  1. Add the following to your dependency section in your app build.gradle.
dependencies {

dependencies {
    implementation platform("com.microblink.blinkreceipt:blinkreceipt-bom:1.8.7")

    implementation "com.microblink.blinkreceipt:blinkreceipt-recognizer"

Setting your license keys

There are two ways you can set the license keys for the Account Linking SDK.

Android Manifest

In your AndroidManifest.xml file, create the following meta-data tags, and insert your keys under the android:value attribute:



Both the values for com.microblink.LicenseKey and com.microblink.ProductIntelligence can be obtained by emailing


If you want to set your keys programmatically, you can do so by setting them on the appropriate BlinkReceiptSdk fields in your application class in the onCreate method:


Initializing the SDK

Before you can use the SDK it needs to be initialized. The best way to do this is to call the following function in your application class in the onCreate method:

BlinkReceiptSdk.initialize(this, object : InitializeCallback {
    override fun onComplete() {}

        override fun onException(exception: Throwable) {}


That’s it! You’re all set up to use the Recognizer SDK. Check out the next chapter for more information on how to use the SDK.