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Configuring the Client

The main and only entry point to scan a PDF is the PdfClient class. You can instantiate one by passing an android context to its constructor:

val client = PdfClient(context)
PdfClient client = new PdfClient(context);

There are also some more options for configuring the client.

Country Code

The countryCode property specifies the code of the country in which the pdf scanning client is used. Setting it correctly improves lookup results for the returned products. You can specify this with the countryCode property on the PdfClient instance, i.e.:

val client = PdfClient(context)

client.countryCode = "US"
PdfClient client = new PdfClient(context);


By default, it is set to "US".

Filter Sensitive Data

The filterSensitiveData property specifies the code of the country in which the pdf scanning client is used. Setting it correctly improves lookup results for the returned products. You can specify this with the filterSensitiveData property on the PdfClient instance, i.e.:

val client = PdfClient(context)

client.filterSensitiveData = true
PdfClient client = new PdfClient(context);


By default, it is set to false.

Return Sub Products

The returnSubProducts property specifies sub products will be returned. You can specify this with the returnSubProducts property on the PdfClient instance, i.e.:

val client = PdfClient(context)

client.returnSubProducts = true
PdfClient client = new PdfClient(context);


By default, it is set to false.

Return Voided Products

The returnVoidedProducts property specifies if voided products will be returned. You can specify this with the returnVoidedProducts property on the PdfClient instance, i.e.:

val client = PdfClient(context)

client.returnVoidedProducts = true
PdfClient client = new PdfClient(context);


By default, it is set to false.

Lifecycle Observer

Android Lifecycle Observer is a part of the Android Architecture Components introduced by Google. It is used to monitor and respond to lifecycle events of Android components, such as activities and fragments. The Android Lifecycle Observer is particularly useful for managing tasks that should be performed at specific points in an Android component’s lifecycle. Its recommended to attach a lifecycle so the internal resource will be released.

client = PdfClient(applicationContext).also {