Error codes
Codes which are returned via the Account Linking SDK callbacks when calling verify
or orders
Name | Value | Description |
MISSING_CREDENTIALS | 1003 | An attempt was made to grab orders or verify but no linked account for the specified retailer was found |
VERIFICATION_NEEDED | 1004 | Login encountered a scenario requiring manual user intervention (CAPTCHA, 2FA, etc) |
JS_INVALID_DATA | 1005 | The structure of the retailer’s website or data feed that was encountered during parsing was unexpected |
JS_CORE_LOAD_FAILURE | 1007 | An unexpected error occurred during login or parsing |
USER_INPUT_COMPLETED | 1008 | The user completed the necessarry input after a VERIFICATION_NEEDED code was returned and the WebView was shown |
PARSING_FAILURE | 1050 | The structure of the retailer’s website or data feed that was encountered during parsing was unexpected |
INVALID_CREDENTIALS | 1051 | Login failed on the retailer’s site due to invalid credentials |
INTERNAL_ERROR | 1009 | An unexpected error occurred during login or parsing |
UNSUPPORTED_RETAILER | 1052 | This retailer is not currently supported |